Monday, January 23, 2006


Tristan is watching me eat and when I put the food in my mouth he is smacking his lips at the same time. Too funny. Normally I have waited alot longer for these ready for solids cues (Tryn at 9 months and Annika at 8 months) and they got teeth around the same time. Now Tristan has this early tooth and I think he will be a seven month starter. Which is the earliest I would ever begin period. The intestine is like a leaky hose to let in huge immunoglobin proteins until the baby starts making them around the sixth month and is pretty much sealed up by the seventh month of life according to what I have read. After policies on starting at the AAP is saying no solids till the sixth month period, intstead of the 4-6 window that was the trend for however long. Inevitably research will demonstrate the less solids in the first year the better. Why folks get so hung up on inferior calorie sources to feed their babies is a mystery to me. Give'em the gold I say!


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