Wednesday, January 11, 2006


AAhhhh. Hello January 11. How are you?
The past three weeks a huge vacation break back in the midwest. For all the nuttiness I like about Northwesterners I really appreciate a breather with the more wholesome Midwesterners. Simple, solid, not as much fuss or muss.
There was no lack of drama being that my little sister is pregnant by her boyfriend of nine months. They are getting married this weekend. Yep, that's one week after our trip An instance where procrastination really frustrates me because she has had alot of time to get this figured out. The encouragement that my other sister and I gave was probably a bit late (another instance of procrastination) and while I had peace afterwards initially, the fact that it seemed to make little to no difference to her is nagging at me. I start to get irked instead of remembering God's providence. My sister will take the last name Kelso. It really suits her better, she has some ditzy commonality with that 70's show character.
I am back in the saddle again, laundering, ordering, cooking, making lists and figuring out where to put all the great gifts. Two weeks of freedom are such a blessing to renew the perspective and spirit. I just enjoy my children more after a break from the mundane. Having more of a observers work and less of primary caregiver certainly helps my appreciation level both for what I do and who they are.
This sums up how I am feeling:
there will be time
There is time still
for sitting in cafes
in Paris
sipping wine.
Time still
for going to meet
the guru.
There is time still.
Now I am caring for eternity.
Carrying bodies soft with sleep
to beds of flowered
quilts and pillows.
Answering cries deep out of
nighttime fears.
Buckling shoes.
Opening doors.
My soul now is dwelling in
the house of tommorow.
Tommorow there will be time
for long leisurely conversations,
for poems to write,
and dances to perform.
Time still.
So I surrender now,
to them and this,
knowing it is they
who will teach me
how to do it all.
Peggy O'Mara

From the 2006 Calendar from Mothering Magazine


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