Thursday, November 17, 2005

Well, Colleen

Here goes. Thwarted for a week, I will attempt to post.
Life is busy. Excuse me, a plea to wipe a butt arises from the bathroom.

Mission accomplished.
Interruptions are the work of my day. If I looked at the interruptions as such, I think I would be more amenable to them. So often I see what I am doing as the critical need (and yes, making dinner is truly critical) but it is what I often have to stop to do that is more impotant in the greater scheme.
Common interruptions:
Breaking up fights
Feeding (like eating lunch and having our Bible storytime) (or just snacks)
Drinks of water
Changing diapers for two, wiping the butt for one
Answering questions
Giving directions
Picking up a fussy baby
Finding Annika. She likes to dissappear mysteriously when getting into trouble
Kissing owies
Teaching how to help


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