Thursday, October 27, 2005

Annika Antics

Well, the little stinker did it again. I'm cleaning up dinner, Tryn and her dad went to choir practice, Annika was just in the kitchen not five minutes ago. I hear the wail from the bathroom (that no messing around kind) and see the blood dripping as I pull her up off the floor. As near as I could tell she had decided to try and brush her teeth...climbed up on the toilet and leaned over the porcelein sink.....her feet slipped and she knocked her mouth on the sink edge as she plonked down. When in doubt, grab the cold washcloth. So we dabbed and she hollered and I could see that her teeth were all there. As she stuck out her tongue I glimpsed the offense and it was bit clean through at the tip! (I never got lightheaded as a nurse, but when it is my own kid I seem to get weak at the knees) Instead of wigging out I just took it easy and kept the rinsing out the washcloth and comforting and thinking about what to do. No answer from Stefan's phone, so called my mom and she had to laugh (and be concerned) and told me to just keep it cold. I figured I couldn't do anything until he was back with the car so we sat down together and I stuck an icecube in the washcloth and she liked that. That and a few doses of arnica 30x seemed to help. Although next time I should use Aconite, I think. Mouths heal fast, you know.
When it came time to nurse her brother, she had to sit in my lap at the same I knew that she was still a little shook up and ouchy. She ate a frozen yogurt tube without trouble, so I knew no extra attention was needed. I put her to bed with a story. She slept for 12 hours. She ate Malt o Meal with relish this morning.
She will be the death of me.
But I did get help with the dishes clean up when Stefan got home :)


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