Tuesday, October 11, 2005


Although initially promising, the bread did not rise any higher on the second attempt. The mixing/kneading went better, I think I should have pushed it further. The inital rise was good, yet after shaping it took a little longer than I wanted for the rise. Anyway, I think I will ditch the recipe. No, I will photocopy it and probably try again another month.
Tristan is 19 lbs (we scavenged a sweet vintage scale from a free pile). Mind you, he is only 14 weeks old. Everyone except me has a nasty cold and I am just hoping I get it before we leave town on Friday.
Tryn writes the letter T, but yesterday she wrote letters to all the g-rents and wanted the first letters for all their names written on them. We did an E together, and I pointed out how it looked like an F. Well, she requested to do the next F herself and it was perfectly legible! pretty cool to watch. I'm really glad that she tried another letter because all T's all the time can be Tedious. :)


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