Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Doodiilly Doo

Tryn is blossoming with 'tabletime'. Today she made "an aqua blue color" with fingerpaints and asked me what I thought of it. I bought her a pair of kid scissors and she sat and cut newspaper for a half an hour! Now we have moved to making funny faces with a magnet kit...."that's a silly face I mix-ded" Sometime during the past few months she learned to focus on a task for longer than five minutes. It is a relief to have her busy and not tailing me asking to watch movies. Such a simple solution.
Thinking clearly is elusive. It take a gallon of caffiene, plenty of protein, and a tidy main floor for my mind to open up and get cogent. (obviously those requirements have been met today) I am dog tired as of late....Tristan is waking up about four times a night and I am not getting to bed early enough. I mistake spaceyness for being incapable and forget that I need more sleep, not better skills. I think I will go sack out on the couch right now, in fact!


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