Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Just Life

Tristan and I are sick with a nasty chest cold. A visit to the doctor to make sure it hadn't gone down into the baby's lungs...he is 16 lbs 3 oz and has clear lungs. The little guy is busting out of the 3-6 month clothes and he is only 11 weeks old. His cheeks are that perfect chub that only comes with lots of breastfeeding: they look doughy but are really muscular! Nothing beats smooching those cheeks! What a happy kid, grinning and giggling even though he must feel as lousy as I do.
Thinking about the balance of structure and spontenaity with the girls. Lately I have just dreaded getting up and starting the day, not knowing where to start. As I put it down in words I am remembering that I have been through this phase before and it seems to be a normal upcurve of adding a new kid to the mix. Trying to get back to non-pregnant life seems to have a certain adjustment period. I know that I have avoided a few changes that are just necessary to make now sheerly for survival! I have to start getting up before the kids and read my Bible. Taking a shower early would help too, but is not crucial before they wake up. (That will probably change after kid #4) I have started reading our Bible story book and having a sit down lunchtime with the seems to really help their behavior to have that consistent time.b The exercise chart I have made is working and helping me to stay moving. So anyway, I am and have resisted the STRUCTURE word. Scaffolding perhaps? I see the value of adding more routine to our rhythm, especially as I see how the girls thrive with the few regular activities. Not sure what it will look like yet. Tryn has tabletime occasionally. She picks from the big basket and sits down with me at the table to play. She really is getting past a nap and has alot more focus on activity. When I am thinking ahead and then try for her the results are really great. Annika has been trouble lately, mostly because she is bored.
Speaking of Anni....I mentioned something that sounded good to her (yogurt), and she starts bouncing around and squeezing/flapping her hands hollering "um-on mama, um-on!" It took me a second....Come on mama!"


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