Sunday, September 11, 2005

Oh, Where to Begin

Huge 10 days:: a Tristan's baptism, visit from three uncles, a sister-in-law and niece, camping in the Redwood, a homeade pizza party, a church picnic, a birthday party and a very feeling behind and worn out mama.
Hmmm...., it is the four year anniversary of 9/11. Only four years ago I was going to my first prenatal visit and saw all the planes grounded at O'Hare....three children since then and now we have another national tragedy to grapple with in New Orleans. Reformation day is the two year anniversary of our move to Seattle. I have spent about half of my married life here now. Startling. Time has been so strange, measured by growth spurts, developmental jumps, and trimesters and never slowing down. Stefan and I just look at each other some days and say, "we have three kids?" How can that be, really?
I will report a decadence of good food and treats....lots of chocolate (remainders of Cheesecake Factory tempt me from the fridge), dinner out, camping fiesta, homeade waffle breakfast, the pizza night. I really want to make bread this week and start up the oven now that the air is changing to damp and cool. Lots of good food has kept me going, that, and lots of good coffee.
Struggling with how relationships happen with this much life busyness. Feeling very "mom of three little kids dumb" (i.e. sleep deprived, dealing with minutea, and can't remember anything before kids) A disease easily understood by those who are here or have been there, but unexplicable to the people who look at you thinking what a basketcase!
But the week begins. Big on this weeks' agenda is Annika teaching and structured Tryn time. Definitely get some yoga time in. Praying for others is on my mind as well as specific needs were heard at the picnic and in general I am just tending toward seeing differences rather than commonalities.
The time with my brothers was too short. I haven't laughed that much in weeks. On the ride home Tryn told Gramma Viv that, "Uncle Jon is my friend and Uncle Mike is Annika's friend." Cute.


Blogger Meg said...

note. This is about the time my thyroid wacked out, I am certain of it.

2:42 PM  

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