Tuesday, August 16, 2005


The fog is lifting. The days flying by. The best part is I get my hair done tommorow! My roots are at least an inch. Thankfully the ladies from church are coming through with some excellent meals which is propelling us from survival into thrival. I rearranged the living room because I was so sick of having it the same way and made a baby blanket for Ari, she is having a girl so I have plenty of fabric. It is the simplest kind ever, but it is pretty.
Reading: And the Shofar Blew Francine Rivers
Listening: 10th anniversary acoustic edition of Alanis Morrisette
Eating: s'more brownies, compliments of Rene
Watching: DS9 the fifth season, a ferengi episode and my sweet boy cooing at his dad
Wanting: more verve to exercise


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