Monday, August 01, 2005


Tristan is really getting smiley. He did that cute baby laugh over and over with me today. He has such a boy grin! He is trying to talk and making those cooey sounds to get my attention. He is getting sturdy with all the new chub. I love getting past the newborn month and into infancy. The first month is all about growing and sleeping and pooping and now it just gets more and more fun. It helps that I am not needing a nap to survive anymore either. I did take initiative and plan to go to the postpartum yoga class (this involves leaving the girlies in some gym childcare facility) a stretch for me but necessary for my sanity. Just need to be thankful that Stefan is gung ho to fund it.
Funny, are you reading my new blog darlin? how about a comment or two :)


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