Monday, August 29, 2005


The past few days have felt really overwhelming. I am sick of people, for one. The introvert wants her time alone to process and regurg the last week. Because I am so behind I feel very negative and berating about whatever my mind flits to. I thought yoga would help...instead I came home feeling like my head would pop off for all the things I need to do. Prioritizing is not easy for me when I am surrounded by disorder. Who knew I was so anal?
Anyway, the main floor is tidied and I actually washed the disgusting floor, although not gotten to the kitchen yet. Houseguests are coming this weekend so why get too serious about some tasks now, they will just need to be redone on Friday anyway.
The three days without Stefan were alright. What sucked was the taking the time to exercise and having it cause a plugged duct (AARGH!) and being unable to sleep for a total of five hours because I was paranoid about possible intruders. So Saturday, when putting things to rights would have helped, I tried to rest and be creative instead. Thankfully I ran into the Taverne's on Wednesday and then saw Marijo again the next day due to her spontaneous invite.
Tonight is Sci-fi book club. My introvert wants time to clear out the accumulated stack of paper work. (note: i won't do it because I will be too tired) I ditched out on a party for Shannon on Saturday without calling so I feel like I need to stick to my word tonight. (Note: avoiding the call to cancel was a sign that I was reaching the extroverted limit.)
The girls seem fried too. Although after I put them to bed they didn't sleep for two hours anyway. Oh, yes, and today Annika figured out how to climb out of her crib. That little stinker!:)
After all this wondering why I am so ANXIOUS and wound up today I realize I really haven't slept enough in the last week or so.. Cranking up on coffee just adds to the whirr.
So I need to plan meals, shop, clean up the basement and upstairs, think about camping again, train the children, put away the laundry, change the sheets, finish Ari's blanket, meet with Hatcher, workout (no aerobic arm moves), wash diapers, finish thank you notes, work on the weekly plan, research the Principled Approach (homeschooling)......right now I just need to eat. Maybe I can take a shower!