Sunday, October 23, 2005

Fell off the blog wagon due to illness and a visit from my parents. We got a cold bug, went to Idaho, and came back with the flu. We had a nice first birthday for my niece, Evangeline. Unfortunately, her mom got the flu after we all ate the delicious dinner she made. It did afford the opportunity to try oscicillium (sp?), a homeopathic that helps decrease flu symptoms. I took it a few times when I felt symptoms and made it through the week without puking. I have to say I have felt nauseous all week though. (Pregnant?) (Colleen is laughing). That brings me to my other ailment, aching teeth and sore jaw, due to my moronic coasting dentist who even after a return trip has been unable to diagnose or treat my pain. Take advil is his sage advice. I haven't been chewing my food very well, maybe that is why I am nauseous?
A few needs to record:
  • "I anni-gator" (a) (her nickname from grampy)
  • Mama, my body is throwing out the food (t)
  • I stuck in da middle (a)
  • You have a mole! (annika touching grammy's face)
  • Tristan loves to watch my hands
  • Tristan has his hands in his mouth all the time, knocks/spits out his pipe
  • to-ally dee ite ful (grampy taught anni totally delightful, which she told Nancy)


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