Tuesday, November 08, 2005


Today as Annika addresses her sister it is "Tryna, Tryna, Tryna." It is funny since she has always called her Trynee or just Tryn. "Mama, E miled at me!" after handing something about Tristan or "wook, mama, wook" while showing me what she built. I love baby talk made into sentences. Lately she has also picked up bossing her sister around, "Tryna, shush, be shush" or "NO! Trynee, NO TANK YOU!" The announcement now comes also from the backseat of the car, "mama, I have a question." I ask what the question is and she smiles, says "um...that whud a pace" while pointing out the window. I think what they mean is can I have your attention? because we always get the declarative sentences.
On another note, I think I am quitting yoga due to the hoop jumping to get childcare. I can only call the babysitting area the day before the class to get a spot, and for three weeks I have either forgotten or called too late. Forget it!
It feels like a conspiracy against non-members. I hate that crap.
Less television and more reading occured this past week. Stefan has too much to do and nowhere near enough time to get it all done especially since the Christmas sales push is on. He wrote a paper last night and blasted that off, which always amazes me. (I hate writing papers).
My head is buzzing with all the things I could be doing, so I sit down at the computer and vegetate. Great solution.
I ordered a sutemi pack
to carry Tristan in. He is too big for the baby wrap already. I look forward to trying this one since it comes in a tall version and I am 5'10".
Wow. I am brain dead and unfocused. A great deal of the day has been spent breaking up fighting between sisters.
Homeschooling is going to change my whole life. Again.


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