Friday, December 09, 2005

Running Away

Annika is getting surprised by my consistency this week. She was disobedient and I went to pick her up, so she turned tail and took off, heading aroung the table, saying "running away, running away!" as if speeding up her words would will her pumping arms and legs faster.
How is life. Well, a two day trip to Iowa for a funeral of Great Grampa this week was certainly difficult. The traveling was smooth, but relationships with in-laws are just bumpy. We were inundated with midwestern food (a blessing and a curse) Can you say tater tot casserole? Jello salads? Folgers with no cream? Ham buns, buttered, with american cheese? Lasagna made with cottage cheese? Taverns (sloppy joes) too. The casseroles (or hot dishes) reigned supreme and it was good comfort food, albeit kinda funny. We had cheesy hash brown casserole souped up with jalapenos, a new and improved twist. In many ways, it was like being at my dutch grammas' house for a family dinner. Minus the corned beef buns.
Tristan is trying out all manner of new sounds, cooing and charming anyone who holds him. He was a champion of good naturedness until we got home. Annika was busy smiling at everyone she could, making friends as we walked down the narrow aisles of the airplanes. We're trying to haul all this crap to our seats and she is busy taking in all the people and waving to them! Tryn was happy with a Dora coloring book the whole time....a switch from having to entertain her.
So Christmas minutae is still awaiting completion and the crunch comes.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey i use cottage cheese in my lasagna ...and sour makes it less runny when i use ricotta...sets up better....glad to see you all survived the in-laws. now i just gotta make it through christmas :) i've got a quitling question gimme a call will ya ??? love ya girl, glad to see consistency is paying off....norah sees me now...and she knows shes not obeying and she says "no spanking, no spanking..." ad infinitum but shes getting better at cleaning up...isn't it amazing how consistency makes our attitudes better too? again love ya

9:50 AM  

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