Friday, December 23, 2005


Tristan is rolling every which way on the rug. Front to back, back to front, he's got it. He got the back to front last week. Now he is working on grabbbing his ankles while on his back, a feat not appreciated when practices in his sleep because then I am usually getting kicked. Last night at our Lessons and Carols service he sat by Heidi and was such a darling baby. Only peep he made was the gulp of astonishment whenever he saw something interesting.
My little Tryn tells me that she will grow up to be a bigger girl. Also, there is only ONE girl in this family and TWO babies, right mama. Thats a statement, not a question. Sometimes you just hug 'em to hope that their cells can't divide for at least a minute. I told Tristan he can just stay like this for awhile for me. Annika is learning that screaming, "NO!" scream, scream, etc. is not an availible response to mama's instructions. Last night she kept trying to saying the God part of the liturgical response, "thanks be to God" but it always ended up after everyone else. I turned my head to grab the diaper bag and she was off. I couldn't find her and some friends helped....she turned up in the men's bathroom. She sees me and says, "diaper change" like "where were you mom?"
OH, vacation is almost here. I can't wait for the break. 16 days back home. Aunties and a Grammy and Grampy to hold babies and entertain. Maybe I'll even get to see Narnia! Even better, I'll get to see my husband again!


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