Sunday, April 16, 2006

Lots done

A trip from my mom for a week earlier this month as my man went to Japan for business. What a treat! We got to plant and landscape and potty train and talk. After she left I realized I never emptied the dishwasher for a whole week! I got my hands deep in the dirt hauling and loading and lifting for hours at a time without interruptions.
One of the challenges of having lots of little kids is that there is never really a chunk of time to accomplish any big projects....unless lots of other things fall apart. It is hard to describe how refreshing good, hard physical work feels to a gal who does alot of maintenance lately. To go above and beyond the daily drugdge and see a bigger project get a dent is amazing. Also, to realize that part of my person is still there, that girl who can get things done with some elbow grease, is a happy reminder.
We took a break to go up to Tulip Festival....a welcome and beautiful break for two dutch girls....


Blogger Sarah said...

Hey Meg! Thanks so much for the comment on my blog. :-) What a treat to discover your blog - it's so great to catch up on what you're doing! (It was awfully encouraging, to be perfectly honest...)

My goodness, your kids are beautiful. I can't believe Tryn is almost four! It seems like just yesterday Jon and I were there so I could see her for the first time. Yikes.

You left a comment on my blog a few months back and asked me to email you. Problem though: I don't have your address anymore! :-\ Mine is trentandsarah @ - drop me a line sometime.

Love you lots. Hug Stef and all your munchkins for me...

6:57 AM  

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