Wednesday, June 10, 2009


God is just SO kind to us.
I am ridiculously thankful for an offer on the house this week. Hadn't realized how weighty the wait was was until the relief of a buyer happened. Hopefully inspections will be smooth and uneventful and I will have time to go dig up plants from our darling I doubt the single guy cares that much.
It has been a rollercoaster of emotions for me, period. The physical ailments left and the emotional upheavals began. Not surprising, in reflection, that to process the adding of another life and all it's assorted energy to our family is unwieldy and complicated for me. It seems rather normal to be overwhelmed and unsteady about it for a bit, but I couldn't see that when I was in it and I still get that pregnancy confusion of forgetting what I already know. Mostly I come to the conclusion that God is overwhelmingly gracious and as I depend on the Spirit, life is lovely, but when I get all wrapped up in my own efforts, I fall hard, fast and get stinkin' mean! This idea of worship has made complete sense to me in the last year : that what/who we worship is our functional savior. I am such an idolater. When I asked Jesus a year ago to show me my idols I had no idea what I was in for. What a blessing to have my misdirected worship shown to me.
But it is off to vacation and time to pack!


Blogger Unknown said...

Hey! Happy to see you posting and happy to hear about the offer. Have a great vacation wherever you are going, Chicago maybe?

10:43 PM  

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