
I am one of them. Those crazy thinking, not conforming, refusing to send my children to preschool sorts. (I know, gasp, doesn't that qualify for child abuse these days?) I am 5 months pregnant and truly showing. Today was an interesting day of walking in downtown Seattle holding hands with the wee ones (4, 3, 1.5) and wooo, people really stare. Some of it is just that children are an unusual sight, but coupled with an obviously pregnant mother, the reactions are intensified. I now have an inkling of how mom felt when people asked her if she ran a daycare.
Did I mention the kids don't go to 18 different classes? No swimming, dancing, ballet, gymnastics. It is a wonder that they can play with other children at all! The class we take everyday is Love thy Neighbor as Thyself.
My sarcasm belies the frustration I feel at group think. In a USA, where the most important opinion is that of your peer group (we are all well socialized, dontcha know) it would seem that Christian culture would stand apart. Be radically and obviously different than those around them in word, thought, deed. Nope, we all are Israelites checking out the idols and Ashteroths. Some of this seems more clear to me when it comes to a center of family as core fellowship of God's people. And I don't doubt that I have lots of blind spots. But I can't help but think being a second generation homeschooler has helped bust through some of the need for me to base everything I do based on looking around me, rather than God's word. (Thank you Lord, for your providence in making me a weirdo all those/these years!) I can only imagine how my mom felt 20 years ago, when homeschooling wasn't even remotely understood.
Wow - should have checked back here sooner! Meg, you're my new hero. ;-) Seriously.
I only wish we were closer. Argh.
And congrats on #4!!! SO thrilled for you guys!! If only we could be so blessed... But God is sovereign.
We got to see Jon this week. :-) It was great.
You are my favorite cousin that lives in Texas! Keep reading, pregnancy makes me really opinionated :)Or at least really vocal about my opinions.
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