Saturday, February 23, 2008

Seasons keep it fresh

The sun has shone for a week straight here in Seattle. This is a rare and definite blessing, not taken for granted. The mountains are crisp with the white snow laden caps defining them even more sharply . The rays are shortening as the sun gets higher in the sky and the days get perceptibly longer. I feel imbued with excitement as spring peeks here and there: green bluebell sprouts, fuzzy gray magnolia pods gracing the trees at Coulon Park, the new chartreuse tipped growth on cedars.
I am glad to live where the seasons change, but you can still work outside in a t-shirt on a sunny February afternoon. Jon is taking inventory of his new 2002 BMW and Mike is repairing the intake manifold on his Astrovan. Stefan generously lathered the kids in sunscreen and went sledding on Mt. Rainier for three hours. Gideon and I got to do things I never can do, exciting things not involving being interrupted by three other kids....trying on pants at Goodwill, checking out a furniture outlet, meandering the aisles at my favorite fabric store. Why we don't go our separate ways on Saturday more often, I don't know!
Gideon grinned obligingly at every nice lady who stopped to admire him. It was such at treat to be with just him for the whole day. He is a sweetheart (who hates to miss anything).
I am hoping for some time to sew, thinking 33 is a great age to become, and wondering what day this new Kelso girl is going to be born.


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